Have you ever had a day that was going great until you got out of bed? Have you ever gotten up, felt good about your day, arrived at work to be greeted with, "We got a problem?" Have you ever felt the tension increasing within you? I mean everything you looked at stared back at you with a problem or something that needed your attention
When you are not controlling your day and the events of the day are emotionally controlling you, that is a stressful day! It is amazing what stress can do to you:
• It can emotionally drain you until there is a pounding in your head.
• It can mentally paralyze you to the point that you don’t have the energy to emotionally deal with anything.
• It can physically wipe you out so nothing gets your attention, and if it did, it would only get messed up.
Stress is such an interesting fact of life. Reality is — you can’t live without it. It is a medical fact if you could take all the stress out of your life, you...
As much as you may believe a day of your life is controlled by the events, it really isn’t. Each event is actually controlled by the choice you make. Each choice you make is created by whether you approach it mentally or emotionally. When you study the behavior of most people, they race in emotionally, examine what they feel is happening, react and then move on to their next crisis.
They fail to understand the damage that behavior does to all who are involved. The “hit and run” method simply leaves people emotionally laying all over the place. From the moment the emotional collision happens they aren’t worth much for the rest of their day.
One of the most important philosophies I have ever written contains only five words — I must respond, not react.
The mastering of these five words is critical if you want your personal and business life to have calmness and stability. These five words can control where and how information enters your life.
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The Flint Team